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Thursday, 8 December 2016


The Year Of The Flood ~ a book by Margaret Atwood
Before The Flood ~ a documentary starring Leonardo DiCaprio
Stop The Flood ~ this blog post by Me
Electromagnetic pollution when intended to be so-called “wireless” (as for wi-fi) is an active pollutant, not a passive pollutant. When intentionally generated and emitted as wireless/wi-fi, those operations pump to continuously force floods of artificial electromagnetic energy into and through environments. It is a well known fact that natural and artificial electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are biologically active and can, and do, penetrate into many forms of organic and inorganic matter to some depth. Therefore, various autonomic and other biological systems, cells, and functions inherent to survival of all persons, other animals, and plants are challenged, often continuously, to perform an uncountably huge number of extra biological reactions (and further cascade reactions) that would not happen in the absence of artificial EMFs, e.g., wireless telecommunication network emissions, wi-fi network emissions, any wireless signal (emitted by transmitters of any size for any purpose).
This pollutant is already far too dense, and often continuously so, in indoor and outdoor environments where persons and other macroscopic and microscopic animals and plants are located or traveling in air/gas, liquids, and solids throughout every day and every night throughout their lifespans—including everywhere persons, animals, plants, machines, or other things are not using, and may intend to never use, this active pollutant for any purpose. Whether or not all these reactions are observed as specifically defined disease or impairment outcomes, performing all these reactions is ongoing, onerous, unnatural stress on organisms and impairing quality of life and survival.
Internet and other information and communication technology connections and operations via non-wireless (i.e., wireline or non-electronic) products, services, and behaviours is proven doable, well understood, already licensed, well-functioning, reliable, and upgradable; and its operational EMF emissions do not voluminously densely pollute all environments and lifeforms.
If “wireless” connectivity for information and communication purposes had been commonplace in industrial-commercial societies prior to wireline connections being invented, upon the invention of wireline connections, I posit that government, other regulators, and connection providers (commercial, public, private) would be scrambling to be deemed “the leader” and heroic and progressive in touting, accelerating, and maximizing rollout of wireline connectivity, while scurrying to do whatever it would take to substantially cease the floods of penetrating “wireless” radiation.

Friday, 2 December 2016

Hero of the Day On December 1st, 2016

The speakers on December 1st at the City of Toronto's Executive Committee meeting were spectacular! In the video, begin at 2:51:02 and watch for approximately 10 minutes (until 3:01:30).

Executive Committee Meeting, Item EX20.42:
Reviewing the Procedure for Approving Rooftop Telecommunications Towers on Toronto Community Housing Buildings

- unfortunately, the Committee voted (not unanimously) to defer this item indefinitely
- the full text of the Item Councillor Pasternak presented is here, below the video link
- you could contact Councillor Pasternak to express your appreciation and ongoing support:

Councillor Pasternak also tweeted his reaction to the Committee's voted decision to defer the item indefinitely:

The full text of Councillor Pasternak's Agenda Item is at

Reviewing the Procedure for Approving Rooftop Telecommunications Towers on Toronto Community Housing Buildings


(November 14, 2016) Member Motion from Councillor James Pasternak, seconded by Councillor Jim Karygiannis


Councillor James Pasternak, seconded by Councillor Jim Karygiannis, recommends that:

1. City Council request the Toronto Community Housing Corporation Board to request the Chief Executive Officer of Toronto Community Housing Corporation to:

a. report to City Council, through the Executive Committee, in the first quarter of 2017 on:

     1. a review of the procedures Toronto Community Housing Corporation follows for approving rooftop telecommunications towers on Toronto Community Housing buildings;

     2. Toronto Community Housing Corporation's obligations regarding holding public consultations before approving new rooftop telecommunications towers specifically in reference to City Council Item PG29.8 (December 16, 2013) that requested Industry Canada to amend its procedure to require public consultations prior to the installation of telecommunication towers; and

     3. the impact of the recent Supreme Court decision (2016 SCC 23) that only the federal government may approve or reject the location of telecommunications towers; and

b. place a moratorium on the installation of any new telecommunications towers on Toronto Community Housing buildings until this review is completed.


City Council on November 8 and 9, 2016, referred Motion MM22.13 to the Executive Committee.

Toronto Community Housing Corporation has entered into contracts with communication companies to allow them to install rooftop telecommunications towers on Toronto Community Housing Corporation buildings. Many taller Toronto Community Housing Corporation buildings now have roofs that are jammed with telecommunications towers.

Many residents have concerns regarding the effects of living in close proximity to so many telecommunications towers. There is also confusion among residents regarding the approval process for them, the City of Toronto's role and the federal health and safety requirements.

Given these concerns, it is timely for Toronto Community Housing Corporation to review the procedures they are required to follow when approving rooftop telecommunications towers, notably their obligations for public consultation. An analysis of the impact of the recent Supreme Court decision that only the federal government may approve or reject the location of a cell phone antenna should also be part of this request.

Background Information:

(November 14, 2016) Member Motion from Councillor James Pasternak, seconded by Councillor Jim Karygiannis on Reviewing the Procedure for Approving Rooftop Telecommunications Towers on Toronto Community Housing Buildings
(November 9, 2016) Fiscal Impact Statement from the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer


(November 29, 2016) E-mail from Frank Clegg (EX.Supp.EX20.42.1)
(November 29, 2016) E-mail from Martin Weatherall (EX.Supp.EX20.42.2)
(November 29, 2016) E-mail from Melissa Chalmers (EX.Supp.EX20.42.3)
(November 30, 2016) E-mail from Linda Sepp (EX.Supp.EX20.42.4)
(November 30, 2016) E-mail from Iskra Bragilevsky (EX.Supp.EX20.42.5)
(November 30, 2016) E-mail from Elizabeth Latta (EX.Supp.EX20.42.6)
(November 30, 2016) E-mail from Maureen E. Smith (EX.New.EX20.42.7)
(November 30, 2016) E-mail from Rick Biggar (EX.New.EX20.42.8)
(November 30, 2016) E-mail from Michelle Illiatovitch (EX.New.EX20.42.9)
(November 30, 2016) E-mail from Marilyn Orser (EX.New.EX20.42.10)
(November 30, 2016) E-mail from Evelyne (EX.New.EX20.42.11)
(December 1, 2016) E-mail from Barbara Payne (EX.New.EX20.42.12)
(December 1, 2016) E-mail from Hadi Salameh (EX.New.EX20.42.13)