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Friday, 28 August 2015

Personal devices away from me... please!

Some activities that are necessities of life can cause added pain and suffering for adults and children who suffer due to electrosensitivity. I hope the small, double-sided handout tool attached with this post will help reduce some of that suffering—while at the same time help raise awareness about electrosensitivity.

I made this tool because someone said she would like to have a small card that expresses her need quickly, politely, and informatively in grocery store checkout lines. There are plenty of other places this small handout could be useful: any checkout lines, waitingrooms, libraries, parks... anywhere strangers are nearby for a while and holding or likely to be carrying wireless devices.

And perhaps you know some non-strangers who would benefit from seeing its list of some related websites and social media.

When we help ourselves and others at the same time... win-win!

If you would rather have a pdf file than jpgs, please email me at energycanaries-at-gmail-dot-com and I will send you the pdf.

Some printing tips for these jpgs:
  • These are 2 files you can use to make 8 double-sided handouts that fit onto a 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper or cardstock. The layout should work for self-print, professional print, or at a photocopy shop printing or photocopying.
  • Important: do NOT use fit-to-page setting when printing, and at first print only 1 double-sided copy as a test (check to see if the margins are okay and that when cut both sides of the small handout fit properly).
  • The "For You" page (page 2) includes very faint grey cutting lines as guides if you are cutting these yourself. The lines are very faint, so even if professionally printed (where the shop would cut in equal 8 sections regardless of those lines), it isn't that those lines would be noticeable.
  • Note: with this design, you might find that an economical way to have a professional look is to use slightly off-white/ivory paper or cardstock. Or experiment with other colours too.
  • Note: it could be extra-effective if you print page 2 upside-down (here in this blog is not the right place for me to explain why).
You have to scroll down a bit to see page 2, because the multiples show here. And when you click on each page then you will see it larger and can read or download the two jpg files.

Monday, 17 August 2015


CLICK BELOW ON THE IMAGE TO SEE A LARGER SIZE. This is an image of a two-sided postcard made by special request. Obviously, one side is the banner of this blogpage. The other side is a list of reported electrosensitivity (EHS) symptoms. I think you can drag the images off of here and share or print them as a two-sided item or as separate items. Please notice you will probably want to change the image size and/or resolution after you grab the image files. If you would rather have a pdf, please request it by emailing

Monday, 10 August 2015

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Less is more. A car is a car is a car.

Stop with the fetish of adding more and more wireless and electronic features, which cause more and more problems! Less is more: less wireless radiation (more health), less interference (more control), less hackability (more safety and security). It's neither progress nor heightened convenience when there gets to be "too much" of something.

One car manual I glanced at online last night (using my non-wireless computer) said that no one can sit or lie on a loose pillow/cushion in any seat of the car because that might throw off the sensors/detectors that "automatically" adjust things for each seat area. Pfft, supposedly all the automatic adjustments are for passenger comfort yet a passenger is forbidden from using a pillow to add comfort ... definitely something wrong with that picture! And of course, the manuals discourage any head-pillowing near the door areas as added leaning pressure might cause airbag deployment.

Back to the drawingboard! A car shouldn't have risks added to it - isn't it enough that it can hurt persons and things if it strays a wee bit from intended use? Oh, maybe you think cars with even more tech that'll be able to drive themselves is the answer that you're proud of? Yah, nothing could go wrong with that ^-^.

I wonder how insurance companies feel about all this. I imagine they'll figure out a way to be the $ winner no matter what. Hmm, "My car suffered a hack-attack and my accelerator went to the floor and I hit three cars and a building. Am I covered for that?" And I'm pretty sure no one would feel good about, "My car brakes must've failed because of a hack-attack. What do you mean my car's tracking system says that's impossible?! I was paying attention, and I always pay attention at that corner because there's a school there, and I did put my brakes on in plenty of time. My god, I killed that child in the crosswalk!"