Here's a reality-check. What if communication and information connectivity had been initially invented and widespread by using only WIRELESS methods, and then someone announced invention of a NON-wireless way to do it with cords and cables so that every place indoors and outdoors didn't have to be constantly swamped by unnatural body-penetrating radiation (plus so that so much electricity wouldn't be wasted for at every moment continuously refilling all giant airspaces everywhere with radiation in case in one tiny area of airspace a machine would use that radiation)?
Everyone would be racing to have all commonly used products and services that are NON-wireless. And everyone would come up with more things and ways that are NON-wireless. And authorities would urge and educate, and probably even insist, that persons and places be NON-wireless. PLUS, there would be a societal opinion sort of like, "Shame on (1) anyone who continues to firsthand put wireless radiation into themselves, (2) anyone who spews or spills wireless into humans, other animals, and all plant life as secondhand exposures, and (3) anyone needlessly wasting electricity."
AND everyone would say shifting from wireless to NON-wireless is PROGRESS. And they'd be proud about it. People, companies, governments — they'd all be bragging about their progress. Because obviously it'd be progress to (1) not habitually penetrate unnatural, biologically-harmful radiation into your body, (2) not habitually waste electricity, and (3) not habitually spew radiation from your own wireless devices and hotspots into airspaces as secondhand radiation exposures penetrating into OTHER people's bodies and into pets, livestock, plants, all wildlife, etc.
Wherever any type of wireless or electricity is available, also unnatural, body-penetrating, electromagnetic radiation is there.
Aim to reduce emissions and 1st-hand & 2nd-hand exposures.
• prefer corded connections with wireless capability turned off
• request non-wireless products and services
• provide corded devices, corded accessories
• reduce your EM radiation footprint
• respect wires
#PracticeSafeTech #BecauseYouCan
p.s. Yes, this post was written and posted by me while using only CORDED connections, CORDED devices, and CORDED accessories. If *you* haven't yet progressed to doing that, right now you can consider how to start your progress to non-wireless. I
hope you congratulate yourself and other people for progressing to
non-wireless and doing whatever it takes so that everyone can thrive in
non-wireless environments.
p.p.s. Here is the Appeal issued by scientists who are experts on the
body-penetrating radiation emitted wherever wireless or electricity are
available. They sent their Appeal to the United Nations and the World
Health Organization. How many experts? It's 225 scientists from 41
countries. [It started out as 190 scientists and the number grows as
more scientists decide there is urgency to speak out about it.] Their dedicated website includes the Appeal in 18 languages, personal remarks from many of the scientists, some of the media coverage, and more. You could start at their Press Release: